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Family law

The family and family relationships in the Republic of Moldova are protected by the state. All married individuals have equal rights and obligations in family relationships, regardless of gender, race, nationality, ethnic origin, languag...

Administrative law

Administrative legislation is the main legal framework that ensures the regulation of administrative relations in the performance of administrative activity and judicial control over it. Administrative legislation aims to regulate the pr...


The purpose of contraventional law is to protect the legitimate rights and freedoms of individuals, safeguard property, public order, and other values protected by law, resolve contraventional cases, and prevent the commission of new con...

Domestic violence

Preventing and combating domestic violence are part of the national policy for protecting and supporting families and represent an important public health issue. For strengthening, protecting, and supporting families, ensuring compliance...

Road accidents

The object of mandatory motor liability insurance is the civil liability of the vehicle owner and user for any damage or bodily injury caused by a traffic accident within the territorial coverage limits of the insurance. Under the mandat...

Property rights

The owner has the right of possession, use, and disposal over the property. The right of ownership is guaranteed. No one can be forced to give up their property, except for public utility reasons, with fair and prior compensation. Exprop...

Civil law

Civil legislation is based on the recognition of equality among the participants in the relationships it regulates, the protection of intimate, private, and family life, the recognition of the inviolability of property, freedom of contra...

Criminal law

Throughout the entire criminal process, the parties (suspect, accused, defendant, injured party, civil party, civilly liable party) have the right to be assisted by a chosen lawyer, and in this regard, the criminal investigation body and...


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